Draw an Axolotl in 8 Steps. A Free DIY!
Axolotls hold "alotl" interest for many kids! And no wonder, they are simply fascinating little amphibians. But how to draw an axolotl?
The best way to teach your learners how to draw an axolotl, is to draw one yourself first. So go ahead, take 5 from your busy schedule, get your paper, pencil and marker out, and let's give it a go!
Would you rather have a pre-made lesson that includes a printable DIY, fact sheet about the axolotl, achievement certificate and more? See here.
Copyright information: I hold the copyright to these drawings. Do not reproduce, sell, redistribute or post these on the internet. This would be a violation of copyright law. Do feel free to share my blog link for others to see and enjoy. I am happy to answer any questions regarding this.
How to Draw an Axolotl
Step 1 How to Draw an Axolotl - The Eye
Here we go... I would suggest using a pencil throughout the steps, just in case you need your eraser. After drawing each step, trace over your lines with a marker. You are going to start with the eye of the salamander. Draw a circle, then draw a banana shape on the right side, with a little circle in the middle. Then color the pupil black. Explain to your learners that the pupil is the part of the eye that lets the light in.
Step 2 How to Draw an Axolotl - The Face Contour and Mouth
In this next step you will draw a shape around the eye that looks a bit like a sideways letter "U". Make sure you leave room for the little smile on the axolotl's face.
Step 3 - The Axolotl's Feathery Gills
Now for the fancy gills! Inform your learners that the gills, as well as being stylish, allow the salamander to take in oxygen from the water. There are 6 of them. On my picture, you only see 4 because 2 are on the other side of the salamander's face. Study the ones I drew, then draw your own, adding your own special touch.
Step 4 - The Axolotl's Body and Tail
For step 4, I would definitely encourage using a pencil first. Decide if you want your salamander climbing up like mine will be or perhaps swimming or laying on a flat surface. Draw the long tube-like body, which includes the tail. Leave 2 little spaces where the legs on this side of the axolotl will be.
You are getting there! Will your axolotl be wild or a pet?
Step 5 - The Dorsal Fin
Next, draw a contour line all the way around the back and tail. This is called the dorsal crest or fin.
No doubt about it, it's starting to look like an axolotl!
Step 6 - The Back Legs and Feet
We are getting there! Study the drawing below and add the 2 back legs and the feet. The back feet have 5 toes. Two of the toes are on the back side of the legs in this picture.
Step 7 - Front Legs and Feet
To finish up your sketch, study the drawing below then draw the front legs and feet. Axolotls have 4 toes on their front feet.
Wish I could see your drawing! I bet it is so cute.
Step 8 - Put the axolotl in its habitat
Don't forget to color your creation! In my case, this is a pet axolotl and so I accessorized it with cut and paste vegetation and rocks, after I colored it. Be creative! See here for the entire science and drawing activity, which includes a step-by-step video too!
Hope you enjoyed this drawing lesson!
See here for more.
Blessings, Annette