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Teacher Clip Art Matching Puzzle Templates AND Popular Ways to Use Them

Collect your FREE puzzle clip art here or by clicking on the image below. Personal and commercial use:) Terms attached to free template download.

4 Puzzle Clip Art Templates featuring Egg Shapes. Black and White pngs included

This free clip art is part of a larger set available here.

A Few Ideas on What to Create with your Puzzle Clip Art Templates...

There are so many ways you can use your puzzle templates. You may already have something in mind. If not, here are a few ideas to help get you started…

Write a number on one side of the puzzle, then the correct number of items to match.
Little kiddos, and most of the rest of us big kiddos too, learn best through repetition.
For me, if I don't reread or repeat something I learn, later down the road when I encounter it again, sometimes it is as if I am learning something new for the first time again!
Sometimes it is inconsequential. But for number sense, which is a foundational skill in math, it is a skill that is beneficial to understand as quickly as possible.
If you are creating these for your own personal use, use stickers to count quantities. Kids love them. If you are planning to sell your puzzles, then clip art is king.
For these puzzles, draw or find clip art of different animals for one side of the puzzle. On the other side, draw or find a clip art of the home or habitat of that animal. For example, a bird and a nest.
Other examples include weather on one side of the puzzles, and clothing you would wear for that weather on the other. Or perhaps, seasons on one side of a puzzle and a changing tree on the other.
Leave one side of the puzzle blank for the learners to fill in themselves. This way they are making their own puzzle sets as their assignment. For example, write the color word “red” on one side, then have your kiddos draw something red for the other side. 

Draw or find a clip art with a noun, for example, a tree. For the other side, write the word. This can also work with short sentences instead of nouns.

You are welcome to use my clip art as a design element in the resources you create. You are also allowed to sell these resources. See terms of use attached to the puzzle templates for more clarification.

Please do not share any of the images you see here on the internet, as many times the copyrighted clip art is ultimately stolen and that can hurt my small business:(

You may be interested in this also ...

Young Children Clip Art here.

Butterfly Clip Art with Moveable Rights here.

Enjoy! Annette

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Grade 2 and Up Color by Code Haunted House Math Fun!

Color by Code Mystery Pic Haunted Tree for Halloween or for any other "spooky event"! Math skills reviewed include even/odd to 100. Perfect for early finishers, learning centers or simply Halloween fun! Click here or on the picture below for your free Haunted Tree Color by Code..

Your learner's will hardly notice that they are practicing their math skills (even/odds to 100) as they are working on this activity.

Haunted Tree Color by Code includes:

--Color by Code Pages: (Code pages available in black/white as well as a gray color which hides the code a bit more)

--Review Even/Odd Activity

--Colored answer key for easy reference

--Student size number chart 1-100

--Build your own color by code (for students and/or educators)

--Halloween stationary for you, the teacher

--Halloween happy notes for you and your learners

Challenge your Learners with this Color by Code in this way...

... not telling them it is a haunted tree before they begin working on it! Let them discover the mysterious tree as they are filling in the grid, and slowly uncovering it one square at a time. It will make the activity even more fun!

More Halloween Color by Codes...

Take a look at this set of 8 Color by Code Halloween Mystery Pics product here that contains several other Halloween favorites, including the Haunted Tree: 

  • Spiders
  • Ghost
  • Spider Web
  • Black Cat
  • Boo Bats
  • Jack O Lantern
  • Witch's Cauldron
  • Haunted Tree
  •  Enjoy,


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    Grade 2 and Up Small Group Axolotl Bingo for your Learners!

    Yay it's Axolotl Bingo Time! Here is your free bingo game. 

    Axolotls hold such intrigue for learners! This axolotl bingo game will teach your students some very interesting facts, as well as new vocabulary, about the axolotl salamander, a sweet little amphibian.
    Included in this axolotl bingo product:
    1. 5 axolotl bingo cards for a small group of learners. See here for a larger set of 25 cards.
    2. Calling cards that include interesting facts, to cut out and read to students while playing the bingo game
    3. Directions
    4. Cute Axolotl game tokens to place on the spaces of the bingo card.

    Axolotl Bingo is a Great Way to Learn about this little Amphibian!

    I love Axolotls. And bingo is such an engaging way to learn about them!

    This bingo game is for a small group of 5 children, perfect for a learning center or small party. More can certainly play, if you don't mind more than one winner at a time:)

    Continue to Celebrate the Axolotl!

    For a complete party celebrationincluding party favors, invitations, decorations, and 3 activities to choose from, take a look at this resource.



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