If math is made to be engaging and fun, students will learn! Number sequencing, also known as putting numbers in order, is no exception. This short article will give you, the educator, practical ideas to help your littles learn this important math skill.
Take a look at my pre-made farm puzzles here!
3 Ways to Make Number Sequencing Fun...
1. Make Number Sequencing a Game!
There are so many possibilities. Here are just a few number sequencing games...
Host a number scavenger hunt in your class or home. Grab some colorful index cards and number them 1 to 10, 1 to 5, or skip counting like by 2s or 10s, whatever your learners are working on. Hide the cards.
Next, have your learners look for the cards and place them in the correct order. If you have a large group for this game, divide the children into groups of 5 or so. Color code the cards so that each group has a certain color. As the groups are finding the cards have them place the numbers in order on a tray in front of the room.
Another game...
Try this one, the timeless game of hopscotch. Go outside and draw the outline of a traditional hopscotch up to the number 10, for example, with colorful chalk. Have your learners "hop" into the squares you have drawn in the correct order.
For even more educational value, ask different students to write in the numbers in the hopscotch squares.
One more number sequencing game...
How about an obstacle course? Students love these! Set up a simple obstacle course with number cards taped to orange cones or something similar, indoors or outdoors, and have the students complete the tasks in order.
Competing teams are always exciting when completing an obstacle course. Divide the group into groups of 4-5 students and have a timer handy to see which team can complete the course in order in the shortest amount of time.
2. Number Sequencing during Story Time
When I was in the classroom, and later when I had my own children, story time was such a special time of day for my young ones as well as for me! We would all get lost in a good book together, sharing laughs and serious moments. Why not integrate it with number sequencing?
Read your story together, then discuss what happened first, second, third etc. Extend this idea by creating a time line!
With this idea, you can also introduce the vocabulary of ordinal numbers, or words that show rank such as first, second, third, fourth etc.
3. Use Puzzles for Number Sequencing
These are super fun to make and very effective when teaching how to put numbers in order.
DIY- Grab a magazine page or coloring book page and cut it into strips, let's say 10 strips. At the bottom of each strip write the numbers 1 to 10 in order. Mix the strips up and have the learner put them in order, thus putting the "puzzle" together. Some of your learners may want to make these themselves!
Take a look here for my inventory of pre-made puzzles.
Hope these ideas are useful to you!
Blessings, Annette