Newsletter sign up and freebies!

Newsletters are only sent out twice a month max for each category and I never sell any email information or send out spammy stuff:)

PreK-Kinder News- Sign up here and also receive a FREE Giant Panda Art & Science lesson for your little ones!

GRADES 2-4 News- Sign up here and also receive a FREE Axolotl small group bingo game!

GRADE 1 News- I would suggest signing up for both newsletters above, as the first newsletter would serve those who need grade 1 review and the 2nd newsletter would contain many resources that this age would enjoy.

TEACHER/SELLER CLIP ART News-   Sign up here and also receive FREE farm bird clip art! As part of this newsletter group you will receive notification of new clip art I create. (This is the same clip Art which I use in my elementary resources, and is available for personal and commercial use per terms of use.)